UROUM V21-AF オートフォーカス機能が搭載したウェブカメラ
ウェブカメラをスクリーン、ラップトップ、デスクトップなど、最適な場所に取り付けます。 V21-AF は頑丈の調整可能なクリップで設計されており、ラップトップや外部モニターに簡単に取り付けることができます。三脚ネジにより、ウェブカメラを卓上またはフルサイズの三脚に取り付けるためのさらなる多用途性が提供されます。
ビデオミーティング全員が集中できるようなオートフレーミング &ズーム機能
AI 搭載の V21 Web カメラには、オート フレーミング機能とズーム機能があります。 自動フレーミングの助けを借りて、カメラはその視野内で話者を自動的に検出し、話者ーをフレームの中央に配置できます。 最大 5 倍の拡大率で、ズームアウトして周囲の環境を拡大したり、ズームインして自分自身に焦点を絞ったりすることができます。 5 倍ズームでプロのビデオ体験をお楽しみください。
カメラのオート フォーカス機能により細部をキャプチャできるため、教材の表示や紙に描いたスケッチの鮮明な画像に最適です。 三脚に取り付け、片手で下向きに簡単に調整できます。
赤外線リモコンを搭載し、カメラの角度を上下左右に自由に調整できるし、HDR/オートフレーミング機能のオン/オフ、5倍のズームイン、画像や音声のオン/オフを切り替えることができます。コンピュータに近づかずに簡単に調整でき、多人会議、オンライン授業やライブ放送に活躍します。USBプラグ&プレイ接続より、Windows、macOS、Linux、ChromeOS などを搭載したデスクトップまたはラップトップ コンピューターと互換性があり、Zoom などの一般的な会議プラットフォームでうまく機能します。Skype、Slack、Google ハングアウト、GoToMeeting、BlueJeans、Facebook Youtube Live など。オンラインでの教育/会議、ホーム オフィス、またはビデオ通話に最適です。
My office isn't always the most tidy so was looking for a camera to zoom in and not show so much behind me and this definitely fit the bill. It works great and the remote makes it easy to adjust while on zoom meetings. Would recommend for anyone wanting to cut out some of the background while on zoom meetings.
Rebecca P.
This camera has the best picture quality of any web cam I've ever used. It is easy to install--pretty much plug and play. The built-in privacy cover is a good feature. The sound quality is also good, and it fits securely on top of my monitor.
Works well on Zoom and Teams. The picture and sound quality appear quite adequate for Zoom or Team meetings. It has automatic light correction functionality which I appreciate since I frequently use the webcam in different light settings. This webcam uses a type USB-C cable and automatically recognized my laptop without requiring additional apps,software or drivers. The remote allows you great functionality, such as zooming in or out, or selecting various modes. This webcam is designed to let you zoom out with the remote control to include more of the environment, or zoom in to focus more narrowly on your face or hands. I’m curious to find out if the framing ends up working better the more you use this function, since it has AI functionality. Other AI products I’ve used seem to improve accuracy or performance, the more I use the AI product.
This camera worked right out of the box, after simply plugging it in to my computer. I love not having to download extra software to make something work! I tested this with a quick video chat, and I didn't have any issues...though the video and sound did cut out, I'm using satellite internet so that's not unexpected. When I use the camera with the camera app on my computer, I can record video without problem. The auto framing feature is neat, I don't usually have multiple people in my office to where it would be super useful, but...it's cool! I used the remote to control it. I will note, you have to change the resolution settings to get it to work, because it won't auto frame at the default highest resolution, but it tells you that on screen so it's easy to switch. The mirror and orientation features worked just fine for me. So did the zoom. I also like the manual camera cover...if you're extra paranoid, it will make you feel better! I can't say I tested out the auto light correction, but for my uses, I'm not super worried about that. If the rest of the features are any indication, it will work just fine!
Samantha Campbell
The camera is fine and has good quality but my only issue is that if you don't specifically go and look for the mic in your PC settings it's always on. The lens has a cover which is nice for privacy but having the mic always on without knowing is a bit creepy. Other than that definitely worth it for the camera.