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Meeting Etiquette Tips for Success

January 23, 2025 By The Nuroum Team
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meeting etiquette

Meetings are a cornerstone of effective communication in any office or organization. Whether you are trying to meet your goals or brainstorming ideas, the way you handle yourself in a meeting greatly impacts its outcomes. This is where meeting etiquette comes into play.

Meeting etiquette refers to the behaviors that make a meeting productive and inclusive. From arriving on time to actively participating in the discussions, meeting etiquette ensures an office environment most suitable for ideas to thrive. Virtual meeting etiquette is also important because of the rise of virtual or hybrid work meetings.

This comprehensive guide will walk you through the meeting etiquette rules for the three different stages of a meeting: before, during, and after. So, keep reading. 

Pre-Meeting Etiquette Tips

Pre-meeting etiquette is all about preparing yourself for the meeting so that you can play your part in making it successful. Here are some pre-meeting etiquette tips that you should consider before walking into a meeting.

  1. Create and keep an agenda 

The first thing you need to do to ensure a successful meeting is to create an agenda that lists all the topics to be discussed in the meeting and assigned time slots and then follow it. Share the agenda with all the participants before the meeting so that everyone knows their roles.

  1. Gather supplies and equipment

Handouts, presentation slides, conference cameras, and other materials are important for a meeting to run smoothly. Gather all the supplies and equipment and make sure that microphones, speakers, and projectors are in working condition.

office natural light

  1. Know your audience 

Knowing who will be attending the meetings and preparing your presentations accordingly helps you deliver your message clearly. Additionally, knowing the roles and interests of the participants helps foster better engagement and ensures that the attendees feel valued.

  1. Set clear objectives 

Defining your objectives for the meeting beforehand helps you keep the meeting focussed. If all the participants know the goals of the meeting before it takes place, it will be easier for them to work together to reach them.

  1. Assign roles

A lot of things can happen in a meeting. Assigning roles before the meeting clears any confusion and paves the way for a smooth meeting. If someone needs to present, moderate, or has any other parts to play, assigning them these roles beforehand will help them work more efficiently.

  1. Choose the right time 

Choosing the right time for the meeting is important for everyone attending. It is better to choose a time that works for all the attendees. Consider the time zones and work schedules of the participants and choose a time when people are not likely to be busy.

  1. Test technology 

Disruptions caused by tech equipment happen commonly in meetings. Check microphones, cameras, and screen-sharing tools in advance to minimize disruptions and technical glitches.

During The Meeting Etiquette Tips 

Once the meeting starts, it is important to maintain professionalism to foster a positive meeting environment. Here are the essential during the meeting etiquette guidelines that can help you excel in a meeting.

  1. Show up on time 

Showing up for the meeting on time is the first and one of the most important steps towards a successful meeting. Being punctual and showing up on time reflects respect for others’ time whether it’s a physical meeting or a virtual session. Arriving late, on the other hand, shows a lack of respect for others’ time and disrupts the flow of the meeting.

  1. Introduce yourself and others 

If you have meeting participants who are not familiar with each other, you should start by introducing them to each other. If you don’t know someone on the team, make sure to introduce yourself politely. Early introductions are as important for virtual meetings as they are for physical meetings, they establish a sense of connection with other members of the team.

  1. Practice active listening 

Listening actively to the discussion or presentation is one of the key meeting etiquette rules. During the meeting, maintain eye contact with the speakers and acknowledge them by nodding. You can also take notes to retain important information.

  1. Dress professionally and present yourself well

How you present yourself in a meeting depends on how well you dress. Proper attire helps you maintain a professional image. If it’s a virtual meeting, choose your outfit accordingly and keep your background tidy.

  1. Don’t eat during the meeting 

Eating during the meeting is the most unprofessional thing you can do. So, avoid it at all costs as it may seem rude and cause distractions for others. If the meeting is long, take scheduled breaks and if it’s a virtual meeting, muting yourself while eating or drinking is a good idea.

  1. Put away your phone and limit distractions

Phones and other such gadgets cause distractions in meetings. Put your phone on silent and put it away. Focus and be an active part of the discussions so you can contribute productively.

  1. Speak clearly and assertively

When it’s your turn to speak, make sure to use a polite yet firm tone so that everyone listens. Articulate your thoughts well and avoid jargon. In virtual settings, position your microphone correctly so that your voice is clear.

  1. Manage time effectively 

This is where having a clear agenda comes into play. Don’t discuss topics longer than the assigned duration and try to make concise points. If you are leading, make sure to gently bring the discussions back on track if they stray off-topic.

  1. Engage remote participants actively (Virtual Etiquette)

Whether you are leading the meeting, speaking or presenting, you must make sure that everyone’s locked in whether they are joining the meeting remotely.

  • Audiovisual setup (Conference Camera)

Invest in a high-quality conference camera, microphones, and other audiovisual equipment to ensure that everyone can clearly see and hear you. Include and engage remote participants in your discussions by asking them for feedback or input.

  1. Assign roles and responsibilities 

If the goal of the meeting is to assign roles and responsibilities, make sure to do it in the assigned time slots. Define roles clearly and assign responsibilities to avoid any confusion and project delays.

  1. Be mindful of different personalities 

Everyone’s voice needs to be heard but everyone doesn’t communicate their thoughts the same way. Be mindful and encourage participants to share their thoughts and if someone is talking for too long, gently remind them to allow others to speak.

  1. Ask questions at the right time 

If you have some questions during the meeting, wait for the right moment. Ask them during Q&A sessions or pauses to avoid interrupting the speaker or disrupting the flow.

  1. Maintain a positive tone 

A positive tone goes a long way in a meeting. Use your words wisely and politely to ensure a positively collaborative environment. Avoid using a negative tone or dismissive language.

team meeting

Post-Meeting Etiquette Tips 

Meetings end, but the work doesn’t. The overall success of the meeting is determined by the way you follow up after the meeting. Here are some effective post-meeting etiquette tips to ensure a successful follow-through. 

  1. Follow up and send meeting minutes 

Sending meeting minutes to all the participants promptly should be your first priority after the meeting ends. Include all the key points, decisions, responsibilities, and action items to ensure clarity and keep everyone focused on the goal.

  1. Allow time for chit-chat and questions

Allowing a few minutes for informal conversations after the meeting ends helps participants unwind and clear their confusion and concerns. Informal discussions also help build stronger team relationships.

  1. Gather feedback 

Conduct a short survey or casual discussions to gather participants’ feedback about the effectiveness of the meeting. Use the feedback to improve future meetings.

  1. Implement action items quickly

Start working on assigned tasks quickly after the meeting. Not only does this help keep the project on track, but it also reinforces professionalism and accountability.

Common Meeting Etiquette Mistakes To Avoid 

Here are some of the most common meeting etiquette mistakes that you should avoid.

  • Interrupting others while talking is a common mistake that disrupts the meeting and shows a lack of respect for the speaker’s words. So, don’t interrupt and wait for your turn to speak. You can make your points then.

  • Showing up unprepared for the meeting is unprofessional. Joining the meeting without reviewing the agenda will leave you unable to contribute to the discussions effectively. So, come fully prepared as it’s only fair to the other members of the team. 

  • Overlooking remote participants during hybrid or virtual meetings can make them feel left out. Try to keep them engaged throughout the meeting by asking for their input or feedback. Address technical issues before the meeting to ensure the success of the meeting.

  • Speaking too much during a meeting disrupts its schedule and may even make other participants reluctant to share their ideas. Don’t take too much time to make your point by keeping your speech concise and to the point. Speaking too little, on the other hand, may also reflect that you are not interested in the discussion.

  • Poor body language is also a meeting etiquette mistake that can send negative signals to the other members. Take an active part in discussions and maintain a positive attitude throughout the meeting.

  • Allowing distractions such as phone usage or side conversations can disrupt the meeting as they are distracting. It is important to keep the meeting focused on the goals and minimizing distractions is the only way to do that. So, don’t use your phone, engage in side conversations, or eat during the meeting.

Meeting Guidelines For Hybrid Environments

Hybrid environments are becoming popular and common because of the rise of remote work. Hybrid meetings have remote as well as in-person participants. This makes it vital for you to ensure inclusivity and efficiency. 

Here are the best meeting manners and etiquette to make your hybrid meetings successful.

Incorporate both in-office and remote participants 

When you are running a hybrid meeting, the responsibility falls upon you to ensure balanced contributions. Do your best to keep remote participants engaged while also maintaining a positive environment for the in-person attendees. One useful tip to include everyone in the discussions and keep them engaged is by rotating speaking opportunities between both types of participants.

Use collaborative tools to enhance hybrid meetings 

Utilizing quality collaborative tools such as conference cameras, microphones, business headsets, and virtual whiteboards can help you make the meeting more exciting and engaging for all the participants. Leverage technology and run regular tests to check their functionality before every meeting. video conference with 360 conference cam


Meetings are important for any organization to grow and mastering meeting etiquette helps you play your part in the success of a business. Every meeting has three different stages and you need to carry yourself well in every stage to stand out as a professional. This can only happen when you keep in mind the etiquette of meeting and follow the rules of meeting etiquette guidelines.

Whether it’s preparing before the meeting, your behavior in the meeting, or post-meeting follow-up, you need to master the meeting etiquette listed above to help foster and maintain a positive and collaborative environment for every attendee. The purpose of these meeting guidelines is to make sure that you present your best version in every meeting. So, utilize the pre-, during-, and post-meeting etiquette tips to make every meeting successful.

FAQs About Meeting Etiquette

Here are some of the frequently asked questions about meeting rules and etiquette.

Why is etiquette in meeting important?

Meeting etiquette rules are important for meetings to run smoothly and yield positive results because they help you create a positive and collaborative environment where all the participants feel free to share their ideas and contribute.

What are the essential meeting etiquette?

Essential meeting etiquette includes dressing professionally, preparing an agenda, gathering supplies and equipment, showing up on time, taking an active part in discussions, respecting other participants, and ensuring follow-ups.

How can I improve my virtual meeting etiquette?

To improve your virtual meeting etiquette, you need to use high-quality conferencing tools and equipment, run technical checks beforehand, dress professionally, keep all the participants engaged, and take an active part in conversations.

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